Abacus is inspired by mathematically conceived rhythmic compositions found in North and South Indian Classical music. Abacus is written in what Carnatic musicians would call “Adi taal,” an eight-beat cycle that is displayed here in phrases of two measures of 4/4. In writing this piece, I was interested in exploring how adding or subtracting beats from a musical phrase within this two-measure cycle affects the number of beats of rest left at the end of the phrase, while still retaining the cycle length. It occurred to me that adding or subtracting beats from a musical phrase within a cycle is not unlike sliding beads along the rods of an abacus. As you add one bead to the left, you lose one bead to the right, but the total number of beads in the row remains the same.
The melodic and harmonic material in Abacus is derived from several influences, including pentatonic gyil (Ghanaian xylophone) music, five-note scales and patterns found in Balinese gamelan music, and the tonal and chordal idioms of American pop music.
Recording of Abacus by Bridge to Everywhere
Released April 14, 2024
Rachel Iba, violin
Andrew Studenski, clarinet
Dan Rosenboom, trumpet
James Waterman, percussion
Derrick Skye - conductor
Rachel Mellis - flute, piccolo
Andrew Studenski - flute, clarinet, alto saxophone
Paul Sherman - oboe
Mike Paglione - bassoon
Dan Rosenboom - trumpet
Adam Wolfe - French horn
Mason Moy - trombone, tuba
Rachel Iba - concertmaster, Violin I, Violin II, Violin III, Viola
Anna Kouchnerov - Violin I, Violin II, Violin III
Yvette Holzwarth - Violin I, Violin II, Violin III, Viola
Julia Wadsworth - Violin I
Nikki Shorts - viola
Chris Votek - cello
Michelle Rearick - cello
Hannah Arista - cello
Mark Gutierrez - double bass
Matt Orenstein - double bass
Mandy Hong - piano
Philip Graulty - guitar
James Waterman - percussion, piano
Recorded and Edited by James Waterman
Mixed and Mastered by Brendan Byrnes
Album Art Photo shot by Joel Mankey, and edited by Hannah Arista
Album Text by James Waterman
Philip Graulty, Executive Director
Derrick Skye, Artistic Director
Dr. Kim Nguyen Tran, Associate Director/Resident Ethnomusicologist
Marc Nimoy, Associate Director
Ian Smith, Production Director
Philip Graulty, President
Dr. Kim Nguyen Tran, Vice President
Marc Nimoy, Treasurer and Secretary
Robert Cresswell, Director
Kateri Lirio, Director
Gabrielle Rosse, Director
Stephanie Terrazas, Director